Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Chapter 2 Resources

Hi Parents and Guardians!

Below you will find links to YouTube videos to help your child with the multiplication strategies we are working on in class:

Lesson 2.5
Lesson 2.6
Lesson 2.7
Lesson 2.8

Friday, June 23, 2017

This summer has been so exciting! I'm teaching a 5th grade summer enrichment class and I feel like I've been learning just as much as the kids! We are doing a novel study with the book "Wonder". Today, I had my kids write an opinion essay about a character from the novel we're reading this summer, Wonder. Kinda boring, right? I thought that it would be more engaging for them to then take their writing and turn it into a script and video! My kids produced two very different yet equally wonderful videos with very little instruction from me! I showed them the basics of video editing on iMovie on the iPads and told them to explore and have fun!
Finished products:

I can't wait to incorporate some of the new strategies into class in the fall with my second graders!

Monday, October 24, 2016

I've came across a wonderful resource that has a list of video tutorials for Go Math!, the math series we use in class. We've started Chapter 4 which is all about using different strategies to add two digit numbers. The website is located here: and links to YouTube videos covering every section in the book! Hopefully this helps both you and your student at home!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Hi Avondale family!

This is just a reminder that spring break is NEXT WEEK, March 28th - April 1st!

We have been so hard at work, learning how to analyze characters and explain why they respond to major events in the way they do using text evidence to support our details. We have also been working on looking back at nonfiction text and writing informative pieces about what we have learned. In math, we have been extremely hard at work both estimating and being accurate to within half an inch or centimeter and solving three-digit addition and subtraction problems. In short, your students have DEFINITELY earned this break!

I'm also excited to let you all know that one of our projects on was completely funded by generous donations from supporters of public education! We are still looking to get donations to secure the funds for our iPad Station in the classroom! Any amount that is donated right now will be doubled, so please share the link with any friends, family, and supporters of public education and Birmingham City Schools!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Newsletter for week of March 21st-25th

I've uploaded the newsletter for the upcoming week, March 21st - 25th.
Important items to note:

  • Spring break is March 28th - April 1st! I hope you all enjoy it!
  • I've created a DonorsChoose page to raise funds for two projects in the classroom, the most urgent being an iPad Station!
  • Congrats to AJ for taking first place in the Second Grade Math Derby! Way to go!

Week of March 21st - March 25th

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hi Parents and Guardians! Welcome to our second grade website! This page grew out of a necessity to come up with creative ways to disseminate information home and bolster the home-school connection! On this site, you will find weekly newsletters as well as helpful class information! Thank you for coming to the page and have a healthy partnership with me in the success of your child both academically and socially!

Information to note:
  • Report cards go home Friday, March 18th. Please be on the lookout for them!
  •  I have posted two projects to One is to raise funds for a iPad Station in the classroom and the other is for Educational Games for use in class. Please consider donating or sharing the link with your friends, family, and supporters of education!
  • I sent home log-in information for a web-based math game called Prodigy. The kids enjoy playing it in class and I really feel it will help bolster their math skills! If you need their log in information again, please email me!
  • Spring Break is March 28th - April 1st. There will be no school that week.
  • I typically assign homework every night. If your student is coming home without homework, please check the website. We are limited in our ability to make copies, so I'm going to discontinue sending home individual spelling assignments but I will upload a copy of the sheet online.